Alpharetta, Georgia Sundog

March 16, 2006

Sundog3 copy

Provided and copyright by: Thomas Faber, Atlanta Astronomy Club
Summary authors & editors: Jim Foster; Thomas Faber

The photo above showing a conspicuous parhelia or sundog was taken from Alpharetta, Georgia on December 16, 2005 (snapped at 12:16 p.m. Eastern Standard Time). There happened to be a lot of cirrus clouds in the sky on this day, and when this handsome dog appeared, I quickly retrieved my digital camera. As is the case with all halo phenomena, red is on the sun-ward side and is more obvious than the blue coloration. In addition to the sundogs, also visible was a circumzenithal arc, parts of the 22 degree halo, and a portion of the parhelic circle. Only the sundogs attained a brightness suitable for photography. Note that this dog has a prominent white tail pointing away from the Sun.

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