Cascades Volcanoes in Oregon

April 17, 2012

Oregonvolcanoes110730-54 (2)

: Marli Miller
Summary Author: Marli Miller 

The Cascade volcanoes are lined up from Lassen Peak in northern California to Mount Garibaldi in southern British Columbia. Volcanic activity in the Cascades is ongoing, fueled by subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate beneath the North American Plate. This photo, looking northward from near McKenzie Pass, Oregon, shows several of the peaks of the Cascades Range in Oregon forming almost a straight line. It also illustrates some of the variability of the Oregon Cascades. From left (south) to right (north) the volcanoes are Belknap, (a shield volcano), Mount Washington and Three-Fingered Jack (both eroded necks of shield volcanoes), Mount Jefferson (stratovolcano), and Mount Hood (stratovolcano). Mount Hood, Oregon's highest peak (11,240 ft or 3,426 m) looks small because it's so far away --  about 80 mi (130 km) from McKenzie Pass. The cinder cones on the right side of the photo are chiefly composed of basaltic andesite. Photo taken on July 30, 2011.

Photo Details: Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II; Focal Length: 28mm; F Number: f/10; Aperture Value: 6.643; Exposure Time: 0.0166; Shutter Speed: 5.906; ISO: 160; Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4 Macintosh. 
