Goddard's White Deer

December 15, 2000


Provided by: Jim Foster, NASA/GSFC
Summary author: Jim Foster

The above photograph shows a distant relative of Rudolph in front of a foggy pond at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The little guy (an albino deer - not a goat) was good enough to pose for this picture. A combination of relatively warm pond water (approximately 55 degrees F) and cold overlying air (approximately 30 degrees F) resulted in a shallow layer of steam fog on this frosty morning. Lakes and ponds often "steam" on chilly and clear autumnal mornings when cold air comes in contact with warmer water. Once the water temperature is as cold or colder than the air temperature, or when the pond freezes over, the "steaming" ceases. Old Santa would probably like to take little Albie back to the North Pole with him.

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