Mean Skies Over Vegas

May 26, 2003


Provided and copyright by: Harold Sherrod, Jr.
Summary authors & editors: Harold Sherrod, Jr.

The above photo was taken on April 18, 2003 and shows the approach of a nasty-looking thunderstorm over Las Vegas, Nevada. This thunder-cloud struck me with it's power and beauty. The magnificent boiling of the cloud base down toward the ground preceded the actual rainfall by about five minutes. While I've often seen sharp cloud-base structure in Mid-Western skies, rarely have I seen a storm so well-defined over Las Vegas. Despite the angry nature appearance of the clouds, no severe weather was reported. I took this photo with a Minolta DiMage 7i digital camera (no filters), at 5:30 p.m., April 18th, 2003, looking directly south.

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