06/01/03 Blended Image of Rock Outcrop
06/02/03 Circumzenithal Arc
06/03/03 Circumhorizontal Arc
06/04/03 Muddy Falls
06/05/03 Kame and Kettle Landscape
06/06/03 Lunar Eclipse Sequence
06/07/03 Earth Shadow on Moon
06/08/03 Morning Breaks
06/09/03 Foggy Sunset Over Green Bay
06/10/03 Mount Lassen
06/11/03 Anatahan Eruption of May 11
06/12/03 Anatahan Eruption of May 21
06/13/03 Mammatus Clouds Over England
06/14/03 Avalanche Pass and Hanging Valley
06/15/03 Deception Pass
06/16/03 Setting Moon Sequence
06/17/03 Sunrise Partial Eclipse
06/18/03 False Eclipse
06/19/03 Aerial View of Hudson River Valley
06/20/03 Glacial Channel
06/21/03 Longest Day
06/22/03 Sand Canyon and Sleeping Utes
06/23/03 Subsun and Subparhelia
06/24/03 Lenticular Cloud
06/25/03 Santa Rosa Island Beach Erosion
06/27/03 Wallace Creek, Carrizo Plain
06/30/03 Geological Unconformity