Black Hills Flume

January 09, 2004


Provided by: Mike Barondeau
Summary author: Mike Barondeau

This is one of the tunnels you walk through when traversing the Flume Trail from Sheridan Lake to Rockerville in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The historic Flume Trail takes you back to the mining boom of the 1880s when the Rockerville Flume carried water 20 miles (32 km), from Spring Creek west of present-day Sheridan Lake, east to the placer diggings near Rockerville. This flume operated until 1885 and enabled miners to take over $500,000 in gold. The trail follows the actual flume bed for much of its length. Along the way, you'll see historic artifacts and parts of the flume itself, but because of these fragile artifacts, this is a hikers only trail.

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