Comet Bradfield

May 10, 2004


Provided and copyright by: John Chumack, Miami Valley Astronomical Society
Summary authors & editors: Jim Foster; John Chumack

The photo above of Comet Bradfield, pointing toward the still hidden Sun, was captured on the morning of April 27 about 5:40 a.m. (local time) from the Dayton-Yellow Springs Road, in Dayton, Ohio. The view is looking east-northeast. Shown here looking like an exclamation mark above the Buckeye State, Comet Bradfield has put on a relatively good performance in recent weeks as it recedes from the Sun and Earth. Its rather impressive tail is estimated to be about 10 degrees long (one fist held at arm's length).

Photo details: Canon 10D Digital Camera, ISO 400, 20mm lens at F4.5, 30 second exposure.

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