01/02/06 Double Headlight Fogbows
01/03/06 Island of Usedom Cloud Corona
01/05/06 Mammatus Over Boulder, Colorado
01/06/06 Terry Lake Lenticular Clouds
01/07/06 Two Perspectives of the Same Storm
01/08/06 Pink Sky
01/09/06 Painted Canyon Fault
01/10/06 Pawnee Buttes
01/11/06 Bay of Fundy Tides
01/12/06 Juneau Icefield
01/13/06 Little River Falls
01/14/06 Slot Canyon Gold
01/15/06 Thunder Hole
01/16/06 Mollasse Walls
01/17/06 Condensation Trail and Shadow
01/18/06 Glory Trails
01/19/06 Anticrepuscular Rays Near Cordoba
01/20/06 Alma King
01/21/06 Detrital Limestone on Bermuda
01/22/06 Balanced Rock
01/23/06 Almogave Boudins
01/24/06 Parhelic Circle and Paranthelion
01/25/06 Memphis Halo Complex
01/26/06 Sundog Near Sunrise
01/27/06 Mt. St. Helens in August 2005
01/28/06 Helicopter View of Kilauea Vent
01/29/06 Reunion Volcano
01/30/06 Tufa of Mono Lake and Belt of Venus
01/31/06 Custodia Pano