Moon in Motion

March 06, 2007


Provided by: Laurent Laveder, Optics of the Atmosphere Gallery
Summary authors & editors: Laurent Laveder

Variation in the Moon's diameter and lunar libration during the course of a year generally go un-noticed to the casual observer but become quite evident when consectutive full Moon are animated, as shown above. Libration is the change in orientation of the lunar surface with respect to an observer on Earth. The 12 full Moons of 2006 were used to make this fascinating animation. Photos taken from Quimper, Bretagne, France.

Photo details: Olympus Camedia 5060 bridge and Canon 350D DSLR, Barlow x2, Williams Optics Megrez 80/480 on a simple tripod, 1/200 seconds at 200 ISO. There were 20 to 80 pictures stacked for each individual full Moon.

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