Summer Milky Way From Pointe de Trévignon, France

December 07, 2007


Provided and copyright by: Laurent Laveder, Optics of the Atmosphere Gallery
Summary authors & editors: Laurent Laveder

The photo above showing a glorious view of the Milky Way was taken over Pointe de Trévignon, France, on August 13, 2007. In the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere the Milky Way is gorgeous on clear, summer nights. Here the view is toward the south, from the constellation of Sagittarius (near the horizon) to the constellation of Cygnus (at top, close to the zenith). Dark interstellar clouds of dust and dark gas provide a sharp contrast with the brighter areas (regions rich in stars) of the Milky Way. The dazzling red blotch at bottom is the Penfret Island lighthouse.

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