West Yellowstone Winter Halo

July 21, 2008


Provided and Copyright by: Mike Burdic
Summary Author: Mike Burdic

The photo above showing an eye-catching halo display was taken in West Yellowstone, Montana about 1 p.m. on January 21, 2008. We were on our way to visit in Island Park, Idaho and had decided to travel around the Quake Lake area, for the beautiful vistas, and then over to Reynolds Pass, and on into Idaho. The weather was bitter cold with a temperature of around -20 F (–29 C) and a stiff wind. As we came out of the canyon opening, to my left in sky to the south-southwest, was a most impressive 22 degree halo, parhelia and a portion of the parhelic circle. Several other arcs were visible as well but are outside the frame of this picture. Wind-borne ice crystals initiated this memorable display.