Layer of Snow Atop a Reservoir Wall
February 23, 2010
Photographer: Frank Wallace
Summary Author: Frank Wallace; Jim Foster
The photo above showing a snow covered landscape and a decorated reservoir wall was taken in Nowata, Oklahoma on January 30, 2010. The day before the picture was snapped 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) of snow accumulated in Nowata. Temperatures were in the upper 20s F (-2 C), and the winds were strong enough to produce considerable drifting, in spite of the fact that the snow wasn't excessively dry. This is downwind side of the reservoir, which is a round concrete structure having a solid top, approximately 80 to 100 ft (24-30 m) in diameter. Note the layer of “icing” dripping over the top of the reservoir. This odd feature was perhaps created when drifts on the lee side of the structure formed cornices that spilled over the edge. After the storm passed, the snow was evidently sufficiently moist and of a consistency to remain intact and not break off or be blown away.