Lunar Eclipse from The Philippines

July 11, 2011

Photographer: Erika Valdueza; Erica's Website
Summary Author: Erika Valdueza; Jim Foster

The eclipsed Moon of June 16, 2011 is shown above as viewed from Quezon City in the Philippines. It appeared a distinct crimson color during maximum totality. This coloration is attributable to sunsets and sunrises from Earth that direct reddened sunlight toward the umbral region. Haze, humidity and pollution in Quezon City acted to deepen the colors.

Photo details: Camera Maker: Panasonic; Camera Model: DMC-LX5; Focal Length: 9.2mm (35mm equivalent: 43mm); Aperture: f/2.5; Exposure Time: 15.000 s; ISO equiv: 80; Exposure Bias: none; Metering Mode: Matrix; Exposure: program (Auto); White Balance: Auto; Light Source: Unknown; Flash Fired: No; Orientation: Normal; Color Space: sRGB.