Raindrop Refraction

July 17, 2011

Photographer: Mila Zinkova; Mila’s Webpage
Summary Author
: Mila Zinkova; Jim Foster

The photo above showing a pink flower refracted in raindrops was captured following a summer shower earlier this month in San Francisco, California. The drops beaded on a nearby stem. Note that these drops show an inverted image of this asymmetrical flower. The liquid drops act as miniature spherical lenses. If the object being refracted is beyond the camera’s focal length (out of focus), it’ll appear upside down in the drop.

Photo details: Camera Maker: Canon; Camera Model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi; Focal Length: 70.0mm; Aperture: f/4.5; Exposure Time: 0.0025 s (1/400); ISO equiv: 400; Exposure Bias: none; Metering Mode: Matrix; White Balance: Auto; Flash Fired: No (enforced); Orientation: Normal; Color Space: sRGB.
GPS Coordinate: undefined, undefined