Camping in View of Mount Whitney, California
December 12, 2013
Photographer: Cindy Todd
Summary Authors: Cindy Todd; Jim Foster
The photo above shows my recent campsite in the Alabama Hills Recreational Area of the southern Sierra Nevada Range in California. At 14,505 ft (4,421 m) Mount Whitney is the highest summit in the 48 contiguous United States. Here it looms in the far background (at right center). Lone Pine Peak is at center. Note the rounded shapes of the rocks in the foreground (Alabama Hills) compared to the sharper outlines of the distant Sierra ridges. Though these rocks are approximately the same age (more than 80 million years old) and both largely composed of granite, spheroidal weathering of the granitic rock of the Alabama Hills results in its smoother, hill-like appearance.
The picture at left was taken just after sunrise -- the camera is facing west. With a camp fire before me and a cup of coffee in hand, I just sat back and admired the view. Photos taken on October 5, 2013.
Photo details: Top - Camera Maker: NIKON; Camera Model: COOLPIX L610; Focal Length: 4.5mm (35mm equivalent: 25mm); Aperture: f/6.6; Exposure Time: 0.0006 s (1/1600); ISO equiv: 800. Inset - same except: Focal Length: 11.0mm (35mm equivalent: 61mm); Aperture: f/4.3; Exposure Time: 0.0010 s (1/1000).