Solar Halo Over Pego Do Altar, Portugal
September 15, 2014
Photographer: Filipe Correia; Filipe's Web site
Summary Author: Filipe Correia; Jim Foster
The photo above shows a partial 22 degree solar halo and its reflection as observed at Pego Do Altar, Portugal. In order for a halo to have formed, the hexagonal ice crystals composing the cirrostratus clouds seen in this sky have no preferred orientation. Sunlight enters one of the columnar-shaped crystal’s side faces and exits at a 22 degree angle through an alternate face. Make sure to always protect your eyes when looking toward the Sun. Photo taken in April 2013.
Photo details: Camera Model: Canon EOS 6D; Lens: EF16-35mm f/2.8L II USM; Focal Length: 16mm; Aperture: f/10.0; Exposure Time: 0.050 s (1/20); ISO equiv: 200; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Windows).