Yosemite National Park Panorama

September 10, 2015


Photographer: Nuno Borges  
Summary Authors: Nuno Borges; Jim Foster
The panorama above shows a spectacular view of Yosemite National Park, California. Glaciers first filled Yosemite Valley hundreds of thousands of years ago, carving much of the landscape seen today. Vestiges of these glaciers persisted until approximately 10,000 years ago.

Still water on Mirror Lake, on the valley floor, acts as a nearly perfect reflector of the glacier-sculpted rocky ridge in the background. Mirror Lake is all that remains of a much larger, glacial melt-water lake that once filled much of Yosemite Valley. Photos taken on June 11, 2015.
Photo Details: Seven photos (left to right to create the panorama); 24mm; f/16; 0.3 seconds exposure; ISO 100.