Archive - Indian Ocean

May 22, 2016


Each Sunday we present a notable item from our archives.
This EPOD was originally published May 30, 2001.

Provided by: NOAA Photo Library
Summary authors & editors: Jim Foster

This INSAT satellite image of the Indian Ocean and Asia was taken yesterday (5/29/2001) and shows a tropical storm in the northern Arabian Sea, which has been threatening the western Indian coast for several days. Other than this swirl of clouds, the most noticeable feature is the near absence of clouds over the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East and central Asia. It's still the time of the dry monsoon in India and Pakistan now, and maximum temperatures are routinely above 100 degrees F (about 38 C). However, within a few weeks, clouds in the equatorial waters to the south and west of India will bring rain to the subcontinent. As the winds turn to the southwest they'll usher in the season of the wet monsoon which typically lasts until mid-autumn.

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