Rising Harvest Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
September 26, 2016
The photo at top shows the Harvest Moon rising above the Observatory del Teide, Izana, Tenerife, Spain, on September 16, 2016. It's shown here rising just after the maximum of the penumbral lunar eclipse at 18:54 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The upper left section of the Moon appears darker because it's closest to the umbra region of this lunar eclipse.
The bottom image shows the full Moon centered in El Teide's mountain shadow. Because the Sun sets slightly northwest of the mountain cone a slant in its shadow is evident. Note that the distortion of the larger scale top image is due to the differential refraction close to the horizon.
Photo Details: Canon EOS 60Da camera; 1/160 sec. exposure; Top photo f/45 mm; bottom photo f/250 mm. Photos taken at 19:10 UTC.