Petrified Wood Member

January 16, 2019

Log1 (1)

Photographer: Jeff Cuneo 
Summary Author: Jeff Cuneo 

The photo above showing a petrified log (petrified wood member) was captured near the western border of Zion National Park, Utah. Gravel and pebbles that form the Shinarump conglomerate flowed over this area during huge flood events in the Triassic Period. Trees (mostly conifers) were also washed downstream, and many eventually became fossilized within the conglomerate. Over time silica and mineral deposits replaced the cellulose in the wood. Photo taken in late October 2018.

Photo Details: Camera: Canon EOS 80D; Exposure Time: 0.017; ISO: 125; Shutter Speed: 1/64 sec; F-stop: F/5.7; FocalLength : 18.