Encore - Bear River Meander Belt from Above

July 13, 2019

Meanders Corinne Utah-Ronald Parker-sm

Today and every Saturday Earth Science Picture of the Day invites you to rediscover favorites from the past. Saturday posts feature an EPOD that was chosen by viewers like you in our monthly Viewers' Choice polls. Join us as we look back at these intriguing and captivating images.

Photographer: Ronald L. Parker
Summary Author: Ronald L. Parker

November 2013 Viewer's Choice This aerial photo shows the post-Lake Bonneville evolution of the Bear River meander belt near Corinne, Utah. Bear River flows through portions of Wyoming, Idaho and Utah before emptying into Great Salt Lake -- it's Great Salt Lake's largest tributary. Geomorphologic features related to river meanders seen here include cut banks (on the outside of the river bends), point bars (on the inside of river bends), meander necks (omega-shaped bends) and oxbow lakes (arc-shaped lakes completely cutoff from the river). Multiple generations of meander scars in varying stages of abandonment, subsidence and infilling can also be identified. Photo taken on September 23, 2013.

Photo Details: Camera: SONY DSC-HX5V; Focal Length: 10.31mm; Aperture: f/4.5; Exposure Time: 0.0050 s (1/200); ISO equiv: 125; Software: ACDSee Pro 6.   
