Archive - Soft Sandstone on the Oregon Coast

November 24, 2019

Sandstone main

Each Sunday we present a notable item from our archives. This EPOD was originally published November 23, 2013.

PhotographerJim Denton 
Summary Author: Jim Denton

BeachstoneMillions of years ago when the Columbia River Basalt flows reached the Oregon Coast they pushed through soft cross-bedded sand dunes causing large sections of the dunes to break off and pile up to the front and sides of the basalt lava flows as shown above. Over time, these pieces settled and metamorphosed into soft sandstone with the lines of the original cross bedding still apparent but jumbled and twisted. At the north end of Arcadia Beach, Oregon, the sandstone has been exposed by wave action and can be easily reached at low tide. This close up (right) covers an area about 24 x 36 in (60 x 90 cm). Photo taken on May 29, 2013.   

Photo Details: Canon SX130 camera; 11.3mm (35mm equivalent 66mm) focal length; 1/800 sec. exposure; f/4.0; ISO 200.
