STEVE Observed over Orsta, Norway
November 05, 2020
Photographer: Geir T. B. Øye
Summary Author: Geir T. B. Øye
Shown above is a type of an aurora referred to as a STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancements), as observed over Ørsta, Norway. STEVE’s seem to form from a ribbon of hot gases rather than from streaming electrons and protons that create most auroras. Purplish or greenish in color, they take shape in a narrow arc below and equatorward of the primary auroral band and have been reported to stretch out for hundreds or even thousands of miles, almost always in an east-west direction. Photo taken on January 17, 2013.
Photo Details: Canon EOS 500D camera; Sigma 17 – 70 mm lens; Remote controller; RC-5, tripod. Settings: ISO; 1600, 18 seconds exposure time