12/01/20 Friction Beats Gravity, For Now
12/02/20 Sunrise Mammatus Clouds
12/04/20 What Does a Volcano Look Like?
12/05/20 Archive - Iguazu Falls
12/07/20 Sombrero del Teide
12/08/20 Hygroscopic Pinecones
12/09/20 Marine Layer over Lisbon
12/10/20 Into the Past: Milky Way Mosaic
12/12/20 Archive - Lago Grey Icebergs
12/14/20 Point Gratiot Disconformity
12/15/20 November Gales on Lake Michigan
12/16/20 Twilight Sky at Dawn and Venus
12/18/20 Meride Limestone Formation
12/19/20 Archive - Blue Light From Deep Snow
12/21/20 Sunspot Sequence AR2781 in 8 days
12/22/20 Cardinals’ Fall Friend
12/23/20 Parisian Sky: Glaciating Virga
12/26/20 Archive - Johnsondale Potholes
12/28/20 Cedar Breaks: A Rainbow in Stone
12/29/20 Exogenic Fulgurites
12/30/20 Puget Sound Feeder Bluff