Solar Eclipse From the Air Over the South Atlantic Ocean

February 28, 2022


Photographer: Petr Horálek

Summary Author: Petr Horálek

Despite reflections through the aircraft window, I could get some details of the solar corona during the December 4th solar eclipse from the Eclipse Flight. This was the only total solar eclipse of 2021, with the only other solar eclipse that year being an annular eclipse in June. Of course, some ground-based observations made by photographers in Union Glacier will bring real gems from this eclipse. Note the halo around the eclipsed sun, which is caused by the average of all reflections.

Photo details: Canon Ra, Tamron 70-200@200mm, f2.8, ISO 800, stabilized; Set of exposures 1/4000, 1/2000, 1/1000, 1/500, 1/125, 1/60, 1/25 - all exposures repeated four times. Stars were digitally magnified.

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