Crepuscular Rays Observed from Turin, Italy
September 27, 2022
Photographer: Piero Armando
Summary Authors: Piero Armando; Jim Foster
The setting Sun behind the peaks of the Orsiera-Rocciavrè Massif, cast this impressive set of crepuscular rays over Turin, Italy. Though most often associated with clouds, gaps in mountain peaks can also produce lanes of shadow and sunlight. However, there must be sufficient aerosols in the atmosphere in order to result in the dramatic effect shown above. Note it's perspective that seems to make the rays converge near the horizon. Photo taken on September 9, 2022.
Photo details: Canon EOS 600D camera;1/1250 sec. exposure; f/7; ISO 100; 180 mm focal length.
Turin, Italy Coordinates: 45.0703, 7.6869
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