Mars, Auriga and Taurus
January 04, 2023
Photographer: Marco Meniero
Summary Author: Marco Meniero; Jim Foster
The photo above shows Vitorchiano Vilage (north of Rome, Italy), which dates to the Middle Ages. Adorning the skies overhead is the planet Mars (at center -- reddest object in view) the constellation Auriga (at left center -- pentagon shape), the constellation of Taurus (at right center – sideways V-shape arrangement of stars), and the Pleiades star cluster (at upper right – tight grouping of faint stars). Photo taken on November 20, 2022.
Photo details: Nikon Z9 camera; Nikon 14-24/2.8S lens; 24 mm. Zoom summary of two shots --one short with high ISO for the sky and one long with low ISO for background.
Vitorchiano Vilage near Rome), Italy Coordinates: 42.4664, 12.1734
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