White Gold from the Sun

October 12, 2023


Ormefoto saline trapani

Photographer: Orazio Mezzio 
Summary Author: Orazio Mezzio

When the rays from the Sun caress the shallow waters of Sicily's west coast, from Marsala to Trapani, the white gold of antiquity, salt, is left behind. Here on the diminutive Egadi Archipelago, where the sea has been enclosed, the salt pans take on nearly the same colors as the setting Sun. As the water in the pans or ponds evaporates, it increases its salinity, which not only produces salt but also encourages the growth of the micro-algae 'Duanella Salina', with its characteristic carotenoid pigments, giving the water a pinkish hue. Photo taken in late August 2023.

Photo details: Nikon D750 camera; Sigma art 20 mm lens; F/6.3; 1/160 second exposure; ISO 100.


Egadi Archipelago, Italy Coordinates: 37.96666712.2

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