First Full Moon of 2024 Rising in the Belt of Venus

May 03, 2024

The  Full Moon stands out in the colors of the Venus belt

Photographer: Alessandra Masi  
Summary Author: Alessandra Masi

The photo above was taken shortly after the Sun set on January 25, 2024, when the first full Moon of the New Year had just risen above the stunning peaks of the Dolomites in northern Italy. The Moon lies within the warm colors of the Belt of Venus.

During the hour before sunrise as well as after sunset, in the opposite direction of the Sun, a dark blue band can be observed hugging the horizon. This is the shadow the Earth casts on the atmosphere. The pinkish/violet band above this shadow, referred to as the Belt of Venus, is an atmospheric phenomenon resulting from sunlight reflecting off the top-most fringe of the shadow. The suggestive name Belt of Venus comes from Greek mythology and tells of the belt with magical powers that the goddess Venus presented to Aphrodite, a belt used to bewitch and arouse the passion of both gods and men.

Photo Details: Canon R6 camera; Canon 70/300 lens at 192mm; ISO 250; 192 mm: f 9: 1/10 seconds exposure.

Cadore, Dolomites, Italy Coordinates: 46.484167, 12.051667

Related Links:
Full Moon of April 2023 over the Dolomite Range
Alessandra’s Website