Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why hasn’t my photo been published?
    If you haven’t yet been notified about the status of your submitted photograph or if your picture was supposed to appear but has not, please send a note to James Foster.

  2. How am I more likely to get my photo published?
    • Submit a high quality photograph that’s related to some aspect of Earth Science.
    • Include a sentence or two about what your photo illustrates.
    • Also say where it was taken, the date it was taken and the time of day.
    • Additionally, include a url for a specific website that you feel will be useful to the reader.

  3. Can I use EPOD pictures in my classroom?
    Yes, for non-commercial fair use. To use EPOD images commercially you must gain explicit permission from the copyright owners. The copyright owners can be found by following the links provided under the EPOD image.

  4. Can I use EPOD images for my brochure or website?
    To use EPOD images commercially you must gain explicit permission from the copyright owners. The copyright owners can be found by following the links provided under the EPOD image.

  5. Can I subscribe to the Earth Science Picture of the Day website?
    We have now made it even easier to stay connected to the Earth Science Picture of the Day website. You may now follow us on Twitter, join us on Facebook, subscribe via RSS, or subscribe to receive EPOD via email.

  6. Why do some EPOD photos include a "Viewer's Choice" icon?
    Beginning in September 2009, website visitors can rate EPOD photos on the day that the photo debuts. The rating tool can be found below the photo's description on the EPOD home page. Each month, the five most popular EPOD photos (of those that debuted that month) will be published here. Please note that ratings received from those who vote frequently will be weighted higher than ratings received from first time (or infrequent) voters. Overall popularity is then determined by the rating and the number of ratings that each EPOD photo received.